Easter is on the horizon!
I know your church is starting to prepare for celebrating Christ's resurrection. There's one important fact that looms large in our thoughts and plans:
A significant portion of your audience that day will be guests. Sharing the gospel and discipling believers is something any ministry leader is passionate about, so you are probably hoping as many as possible fill out the Connect Card you offer to all first-timers.
The best Connect Card › is the one a guest actually fills out. If your goal is to have Easter newcomers submit their contact info for a follow-up, it needs to be:
Want to see more Easter Connect Cards get filled out? Try incorporating these 3 questions into your card:
This is an opportunity for honesty from your guest. In fact, you could include a subtext under the question indicating you want them to be totally honest. Answers could range from "Grandma forced me to come today" to "I live down the street and felt lonely".
This question can be an ice breaker. It indicates you want to be vulnerable enough to make room for their honesty.
Of course, the fact that they are present is more important than how exactly they got there. But asking a simple question and allowing room for honesty creates a connection that guests will appreciate.
Leave this one open-ended and make sure there's plenty of room for them to provide a somewhat detailed answer.
This question can give you a sense of their familiarity with the Gospel and the function of the church. But it also gets the visitor to reflect back on what the church has done for or to them and can open their heart up to what your church has to offer.
Again, leave room for a somewhat detailed answer. They don't need to write an essay, but a few lines of text gives them enough space to speak their mind.
This is where you can get an idea of the spiritual health of the individual. You may read this answer and begin to see how you can pray for them. You can also potentially find clues for how to connect with them in a follow-up and what programs or people to direct them toward in your church for maximum impact.
Because honesty has been established in the Connect Card, the answers you get may vary. In some cases, some answers might even be disheartening. But take heart! This is the power of vulnerability and this will give you great insight for praying over them. And rejoice! The power of Christ can overcome their past.
Want an easy way to make your Connect Cards ready for Easter? Creating, sharing, & collecting these cards couldn't be easier with Church Connect.
I want to encourage you to think of ways to use these cards to connect with first-timers in the moment. Using these 3 questions can help give you insight into your guests that a generic form just can't do.
Happy Resurrection Day!
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