We have just released our Core Update to Church Connect, making it the best free church website builder yet! Create a beautiful website and app for your church in minutes.
So many features, so little time. Here are some of the highlights to get you started...
When you build your church website and app, you’re seeing it change in real-time as you build it. Church website design just got even easier!
As you know, a beautiful church website requires attention to detail and consistent branding. Our new editor gives you the power to take your church’s brand to the next level.
Explore our curated list of website templates that you can add directly to a section of your church site. Use them to add a Hero Header, an About Us section, Service Times, Meet our Staff, Location Map, and others.
Make a big statement by adding your own custom website header. Use this to display your mission statement, a picture of your church, a call to action button... you name it.
With a customizable navbar and footer, you can now display your church’s logo, add important navigation links, and even incorporate templates.
Watch the livestream where we show off all the updates and how they work below:
We’ve added dozen’s of additional new features and enhancements. Here are some of the notable ones:
Church Connect is the most affordable, easy-to-use, and feature-rich website builder for churches
Not only did we come out with all these amazing features, but we will be offering the ability to use your own church domain 🤯
Want us to build you a full church site from scratch? We’ll be offering that too.
More details to follow on all that goodness.
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