This article covers how to use our Check-In system on a PC/Mac and highlights key features to ensure a seamless check-in process.
To start using Check-In, first navigate to the "Events and Attendance" Screen and select the "Attendance and Check-In" tab.
Select "Add" to create a new date, or select an existing attendance event.
Enter a name for the event, like "Child Check-In".
Assign the appropriate Groups or copy them from a previous event, then select, "Apply Selections". Your new event will then appear on the Check-In screen. Select the event to enter Check-In mode.
Then, select "Check-In Mode" to begin using Check-In.
When checking in individuals, you can search for them using the last 4 digits of their phone number or search the individual by name. We recommend assigning the appropriate Groups to each individual before this check-in process begins (refer to our Getting Started with Check-In Article if you still have to assign your members to Groups).
To complete the Check-In process, select the "Print Labels" button, and the labels will print to your connected label printer. See our Label Printer Setup article for further help configuring your label printer.
The process of checking out an individual is nearly identical to checking them in. First, navigate to the Check-In Settings tab to switch from "Check-In Mode" to "Check-Out Mode".
Select the "Check-Out Mode" button and close the Settings menu.
You can now begin checking out individuals by searching for them and selecting the "Perform Check-Out for Entire Family" button.
If you need to check in a new person, you can add the individual without having to leave the Check-In Screen. First, select the "Add a Family" button. When adding a new family, enter the parent/guardian's name(s) first, followed by the child.
To access the Check-In Overview, navigate to the "Check-In" dropdown menu in the top left corner. Then, select "Check-In Overview".
The Check-In Overview shows a list of all those who have been checked in and provides the option to search for specific names. You can also generate a report of all those who have checked in.
Select the arrow to the right of a name to view an individual's information, reprint a label, or send a text message to a parent/guardian.
When texting a parent/guardian, you can select from a pre-built text message or use your own custom message.
To access the Check-In Settings, navigate to the "Check-In" dropdown menu in the top left corner. Then, select "Check-In Settings".
You have the option to view/change your General Settings, Print Settings, and Kiosk (Welcome) Message.
In the General Settings tab, you can:
In the Print Settings tab, you can:
When you are initially setting up your printer, we recommend disabling your refresh time for the station to give you ample time for printer configuration.
In the Kiosk Message tab, you have the option to attach a custom image or insert a message that can be displayed on self-stations. The image/message will be displayed until the individual selects the "Continue to Check-In" button.
We recommend using Kiosk Mode when using a PC/Mac for all unmanned check-in stations. Kiosk Mode allows you to display a web page's content without the ability to navigate elsewhere. It removes the address bar and any toolbars so only the page content is visible to the user. Learn more about Enabling Kiosk Mode ›