The Online Directory built into Church Connect gives your church members the ability to share and view contact information with other members that have also opted in.
When logged into your Church Connect account, select the menu button in the top-left corner of the screen. In the flyout menu, choose the Online Directory.
Members can opt-in manually. To do this, they must log in to their Church Connect account, then select or tap the menu button in the top-left corner of the screen. Next, they must select the "Online Directory" option in the flyout menu.
On the directory, members can toggle their status and select the link to manage what information they would like to share.
By default, the Online Directory is NOT enabled. To enable it, log in to your ChurchTrac Administrator account. Navigate to the "Church Connect Users" Tab on the Church Connect screen and select the "Church Connect User Settings" button.
In the flyout menu, select "Enable Online Directory".
Watch our Pro Tip video to learn how to keep your members' info safe in the Online Directory
For a member to be listed on the Online Directory, their status must be marked "Yes" on the "Include in Church Connect Online Directory" field listed on their profile.
When a member is added to the People screen, the "Include in Church Connect Online Directory" field defaults to "No". This means that everyone at your church is automatically opted out of the directory.
For an individual to have access to the Online Directory, navigate to the Church Connect screen and select the "Connect Users" Tab. Find the person you would like to enable the directory for and change their status. You have the option to give an individual "Full directory access" or "Group access only". Group Access limits the individuals a person can see in the directory to the Group(s) they share with others.
When an individual is listed on the Online Directory, only their name and the names of their immediate family members (with the exception of children) will be listed. Members must individually opt into the Online Directory through Church Connect for any of their information to be visible. Members have the ability to choose what information they want to share on the Online Directory.
For security reasons, we recommend vetting every Church Connect registrant before giving them any access to your Online Directory. Read our Security Checklist for more information.
By default, ChurchTrac will NOT display personal information of Children in the Online Directory. To avoid accidentally showing their information, be sure to mark the Family Role as "Child" in the child's profile. In some countries, displaying the information of minors in an online directory is illegal.
Scammers often target online church directories and will even pose as church members to harvest information and run scams on church members.