There are many situations in which you will want to create an event and give your people the opportunity to register/sign up for it. These could include Youth Camps, VBS, Festivals, Potlucks, and other events your ministry will be hosting.
Public Events are events that are visible to everyone. In order to enable Event Registrations for an event, you will need to make it public. To make an event public, navigate to the Event Options and select "Public" under the Event Type.
Public events will display a QR Code and a URL that you can share with others. Public events will also be 'clickable' on your public calendar and can be added as an Event Card.
Both Public and Private events have several other settings that you can configure in Event Options. Some of these options include uploading an event logo, registration/response, additional guest fields, and the user notifications.
For some events, you may want to change the "Show Additional Guests Field" to Yes. This will present the registrant with the opportunity to enter an additional number of people that will be coming to the event, and ChurchTrac will keep a running total of registrants plus guests.
Additionally, for both Public and Private events, you can add one or more Event Fields, allowing you to customize the registration experience or collect specific information from your attendees (a couple of sample fields are shown in the image above and below). You can ask questions or request information, and choose whether or not each response is required or optional.
You can also create several different types of fields, including a Yes/No option, a simple text box where the respondent can type a response, a selection list where they will pick a value, a date field that requires a year, or a year-optional date field. You can also import fields from another event that you have designated as a template for event fields.
If desired, you can also ask or require payment for event registrations. You can set a payment amount and also designate which income category you would like the payment to be assigned to.