Below are the steps to export member data from Realm:
Please arrange the column layout according to our requirements as outlined in this article or check out our import template. Attach it to a support ticket, and we'll perform the import for you.
The FIRST NAME (A), LAST NAME (B), and FAMILY NAME (C) columns are required. Do not leave any of these fields blank.
The format for FAMILY NAME (C) should be “LASTNAME, Husband and Wife”. This is how the family's name will be displayed when you run reports per family in the People Screen, including the member directory and photo directory. This is also how the system will format new names so you want to be consistent throughout your database.
This is a shared data field among all family members so put that same info for the spouse and children. So for example, you would enter for all family members: SMITH, John and Sally
FORMAL NAME (M) is recommended as well, formatted "Mr. & Mrs. Husband Lastname", as it's what's used on contribution statements to address the family: Mr. & Mrs. John Smith