Church membership tracking is done with the member status field. It enables you to create and assign a specific membership type or category to an individual.
We recommend customizing your member status field to the needs of your ministry. Select any individual in your church database and select the "Edit Profile" button. Navigate to the Member Status field and select "Edit List".
From the fly-out menu you can add new membership statuses, edit the name of an existing member status, delete a member status, and change the order in which they are displayed.
When adding an individual to your database, you can assign a member status to that individual and additional members in their family.
You can also change the membership status of an individual when editing their profile.
If you need to assign a member status to multiple individuals in your church database, use the Bulk Edit Tool. This feature will save you a great deal of time.
Yes. This will save you time in managing your church's database. This will help you avoid needless bulk edits and changing an individual's status afterward.
No. The member status field is only the membership designation of an individual. All individuals in your church's database are counted towards your name tier. However, archived individuals do NOT count towards your name tier. Learn more about Archiving Names ›
We get asked this question a lot! Most churches have 3-5 types of church members. These commonly include Member, Guest, Child, and Donor.
However, every church is different. Your church may use different nomenclature or have other designations you prefer. But we recommend not creating more than 7 church membership types to avoid unnecessary complexity and confusion.