The Projects and Tasks feature allows you to create multiple church projects, as well as tasks for those projects. It can help you to get your To-Do list and staff organized.
ChurchTrac enables you to create an unlimited number of projects. To create a project, select the “Projects” button on the Project and Tasks tab and select the “New Project” button to create a new project.
To create a task, select "Create a New Task". You will be prompted to both name the task and assign it to the project of your choosing.
After the task has been created, you can edit it by selecting the task. On task edit, you are given the ability to rename the task, assign it to a different project, mark a due date, set a priority, and assign it to the user of your choosing.
For tasks that are more detailed or require more steps, you can create subtasks that can be individually checked off. There is also a Notes section as well as a Comments section for your entire team to collaborate.