Teams and Roles are types of Groups used specifically for organizing and scheduling your people. Because Teams and Roles are Groups, you'll be able to work with and manage your Teams on the People screen as well.
You can create a Team for any ministry you choose, especially for those with scheduling needs. Any leader with a User Account can use ChurchTrac to schedule their volunteers or people. For example, your Children's ministry leader may want to create a team to schedule volunteers or nursery workers each week.
To create a team, select "Create a New Team" at the bottom of your list of teams.
Once a team has been created, you can edit the team name, add a description, and assign a Team Leader.
Within every team you create, you have designated Roles. Let's say that you create a Welcome Team. In the team, you can create roles such as Greeter, Welcome Center, and Usher. To create a Role, select the "Create New Role" button.
Once a Role has been created, you can select that Role and begin assigning people to it. There is a number counter to the right of the Role to help you track how many people are assigned to each Role.
You can view the people assigned to your Team from the Team Members tab. Any dates for a Team Member who is unavailable will be shown to the right of their name. You can also add unavailable dates and adjust member details, including their phone number, email address, and communication preferences. This determines whether scheduling invites are sent to this person via SMS, Email, or Both.
To update a team member's availability, select the team member and select "Add Unavailable dates for [Team Member Name]."
Then, select one or more dates when this person is not available to serve; these will apply to all teams and roles.
The application will alert you when attempting to schedule this person on one of these dates.
To update member details (phone, email, and communication preferences) select "Member Details" next to "Availability." This ensures scheduling invites are sent via SMS, Email, or Both.
You can generate a team report that displays who served on a team and what role(s) they filled across multiple services or events.
Select a team, then select the "Team Reports" tab below. In the flyout window, choose the date range you need the report to cover, then choose to sort by date or name. Then select the "View Report" button.