Thanks to QR codes and smartphones, it's sometimes easier for guests to fill out an online connection card than it is to complete a physical one. Let's talk about some of the benefits of virtual connection cards and how you can easily create one directly ...
Online giving is quickly becoming the preferred way people support their church. This is a great thing for the church. If the online giving platform your church uses offers recurring giving, you could see a significant increase in overall giving at your c...
Have you been in ministry for more than 5 minutes? Then you've certainly run across the same frustrating and awkward scenario I have: A volunteer just isn't working out. There are lots of reasons this happens. But thankfully, there is a way to rescue ...
Show of hands: Who would jump at the chance to fulfill the Great Commission in a way that's both simple and FUN? ✋ Of course you would! I'll bet most of the people at your church would, too. My church has put our heads together and come up with some r...
Did you get into ministry because you were gifted in book-keeping? Probably not. Most ministers are focused on the mission of their organization and leave managing the finances to experts. But that's not the end of the story. There are many different acc...
If your church is growing, you've probably witnessed what I call "church growing pains". There are different forms this can take. Have you experienced this one? The bigger the church, the less chance a given member will be committed For most churches,...
I've written about "church growing pains" before. Let's talk about another growing pain churches face 👇 "As a church grows, so does the distance between pastors and members" According to Barna, half of all US congregants surveyed said they consider...
Have you had the feeling it's time to dust off the old church logo and consider updating your church's branding from the ground up? What's kept you from taking the leap? "Graphic designers are expensive and I don't know how to use Photoshop." I get it...
Do you wish you could connect with more first-time guests? Need more volunteer signups? Wish more people had brought fried chicken to your last potluck? I'll cover common Church Form mistakes and advice on how to make them better. Why Your Forms Don't G...