Many of us are celebrating Easter in a similar fashion to last year. We thought to ourselves... “for sure next year will be normal again”. Like last year, many of us are meeting remote, holding services outside, gathering at limited capacity, or doing...
Church Connect is the easiest way to create a beautiful and responsive church website for your ministry. Whether you're creating a website for a small church, or you're a large church needing a member portal... Church Connect can fit the bill. We'll shar...
They say that too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. When it comes to sending out mass text messages to your church, you can definitely send too many. Segmenting your people is the best way to avoid sending too many messages when you text in church....
In our first article of the Why Church Volunteers Quit series, we introduced the Volunteer Discipleship Framework and explored church volunteer recruitment. In this article, we are going to focus on the next step of the volunteer discipleship: Church Volu...
When it comes to doing ministry, the church is filled with dedicated volunteers that selflessly act as the hands and feet of Jesus. Occasionally, ministries do encounter seasons of volunteer shortage or have church volunteers quit. We want to dissect the...
As worship leaders, it can be really easy to live inside a bubble of praise and worship music. The bulk of our people don't listen to worship music as much as us. How can get them on the same page during a worship service and avoid having half of our cong...
We've now added the ability to set limits on the number of registrations for public events. Here's what it looks like from an admin point of view: Why set Event Caps? Event Caps are great for when you only have a certain number of spots available for an ...
Last week we announced that we simplified the process of importing giving transactions from other providers into the ChurchTrac Giving Screen. Well...we decided to build on that and make it even better with more great features! Drumroll, please...
If you're using another Online Giving platform like Tithely, Supsplash, Vanco, or Pushpay... then we have some great news for you! We have now simplified the process of importing your giving transactions into the ChurchTrac Giving Screen. Now, you can si...