The average sermon length is 39 minutes. But in most situations outside of a church service, 39 minutes of speaking isn't practical. You need a delivery method for the Gospel that's easy to deliver a powerful message! For this, you use a sermonett...
In the words of the late Mitch Hedberg... "When someone hands you a flyer, it's like they're saying 'Here, YOU throw this away.'" That's because most flyers are boring, poorly designed, and don't offer value to the recipient. What if we could rethink...
When hearing the word church, most people would probably think of an organization characterized by… A physical building… Programming for kindergarten through seniors, often led by a... Theologically trained staff, supported financially...
A big part of the preparation for VBS is knowing just how many students and volunteers will be attending. The best way to do that is to create a Form Card in Church Connect (the unified web page and app for churches). Check out the video walkthrough (bel...
It’s that time of year again. With VBS just around the corner for many of us, it’s ALL HANDS ON DECK. As the parents of our VBS kids are counting down the days to free summer daycare, some of us are gradually slipping into a state of complete freakout...
The two words I know that best describe VBS are: 💥 ORGANIZED CHAOS 💥 VBS is an amazing opportunity to minister to young children and nurture their connection with God at an early age. But it also offers a unique chance to reach adults. Many of t...
Pre-made VBS themes can be expensive! A church can easily spend thousands to put one together. So we put our heads together and came up with the ultimate list of fun VBS theme ideas that are easy to pull off with tips on how to do them on a very small bu...
Grab your glitter and glue guns, fellow craft crusaders! It’s that time of year again when Vacation Bible School turns your church into a whirlwind of creativity, laughter, and glittery chaos! We've seen our fair share of VBS shenanigans, and let me t...
We're excited to announce that we've added a new automation feature that we know you're going to love! Now, you can be notified immediately when a person donates to your church for the first time. This is all made possible with our latest new automation ...